Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mood:Pissed, but esther perked me up and MAtt is stiil MSNing me.
Parents not at home. Sisterz watching TV and I'm boreD..

OMG. MATT JUZ TOL ME HE IS 164cm!! Turn-offs!!

Lets do sumthing. Honestly~

1.Honestly what color is your shirt
- Blue~ Ive been blue alot lately.

2.Honestly, whats on your mind?
- Spoilt and his filthy garbage mouth.

3.Honestly, what have u done yesterday?
- y does this has to be said honestly? do i even hav to mention i shitted?

4.Honestly, have you ever been in love?
- This is such a -ASKED-ALWAYS question. Hw the hell does it feel like to be in love? SERIOUSLY?

5.Honestly, feeling anything unusual today?
- I must have if I added mayonaise to my egg.

6. Honestly, is your heart still occupied?
I guess so. with blood Arteries Veins and all that.

7.Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone
- Urghz. Spoilt.

8 Honestly , are you jealous of somebody right now?
- I was a seeing green yesterdae though.

9.Honestly, what makes you sad most of the time?
- erm. DuntNoe.

10.Honestly, are you LOVING someone right now?
- eh I dunt even noe wad love feels liike.

11.Honestly, what are the things u don't want in life?
- I do not like Calbee Potatoes, so I want them out of my life.

12. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?

13.Honestly, any plannings in near future?

14. Honestly, do you love someone very much?
- MY SISTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15.Honestly, does anyone LIKE you?
- yea

1.What do you do when you're mad?
I cry.

2.What's the worst things you've done when you were very mad?
Slapped my sister real hard and pulled her hair.

3.Ever made anyone cry?
erm. yea. my mom.

4. Do you curse when you're mad?
Who doesnt.

5. When was the last time you really cried?

6. Ever cried yourself to sleep?
Yea. I still do.

7. What usually makes you cry?
When things dunt go my way? and I know I can never make them go my way.

8. Are you normally a happy person?
- I think I am. But last day of school someone told me I look possesed. Ben specifically.

9. Does being with your friends makes you happy?

10. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy?
NO. I WIL GO SIT ONE corner and cry. WTh.

HAHA. Since Matt got to know my height. No more messages from him. Hw .NICE.